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English 10

The focus of the English 10 course is the writing process. Three writing applications guide the curriculum: persuasive, expository, and narrative writing.

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English 10
English 10

The Brook Hill Academy

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About The Course

Each  lesson culminates in a written assignment that lets students  demonstrate their developing skill in one of these applications. English  10 follows the model of English 9 by including at least one anchor text  per lesson, but the essays, articles, stories, poems, and speeches are  often presented as models for students to emulate as they practice their  own writing. So that these readings may serve as proper examples for  students, a high proportion of texts for this course are original  pieces. English 10 also continues to develop students' reading,  listening, and speaking skills. Readings include poems, stories,  speeches, plays, and a graphic novel, as well as a variety of  informational texts. The readings represent a wide variety of purposes  and cultural perspectives, ranging from the Indian epic The Ramayana to  accounts of Hurricane Katrina told through different media. Audio and  video presentations enhance students' awareness and command of  rhetorical techniques and increase their understanding of writing for different audiences.

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